Education, Travel

The 9 Best Jobs to Work Remotely and Travel The World

The 9 Best Jobs to Work Remotely and Travel The World

Remote work is becoming more popular, especially for professionals who love to travel for leisure or business.

As more industries accept remote work, more people enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere. This guide highlights the best remote jobs that offer flexibility and exciting travel opportunities, helping people explore new places while building their careers.

The Rise of Remote Work and Digital Nomadism

Since the pandemic, remote work has experienced a significant surge in popularity, giving rise to the digital nomad lifestyle. Statistics reveal a remarkable growth in remote working opportunities.

  • According to a study conducted by FlexJobs and Global Workplace Analytics, remote work has increased by 159% over the past 12 years.
  • A Gallup survey found that 43% of Americans reported working remotely at least some of the time in 2016, compared to just 9% in 1995.

As remote work continues to gain momentum, the traditional office-based work model is transforming.

Fueled by remote work opportunities, the digital nomad lifestyle offers individuals the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, creating a new era of work-life integration and exploration.

What is a Digital Nomad? 

A digital nomad is an individual who uses technology to work remotely and has the freedom to travel and live in different locations.

Digital nomads typically rely on laptops, smartphones, and internet connectivity to perform their job duties, allowing them to work from anywhere in the world. They often embrace a flexible lifestyle, moving between cities or countries in corporate housing while maintaining their professional commitments.

Digital nomads are known for seeking new experiences, exploring different cultures, and balancing work with their passion for travel.

Discover the freedom of working remotely and traveling the world. Check out our Compass properties across the U.S., perfect for digital nomads seeking the best places to live and work. Explore now!

The 9 Best Jobs to Work Remotely and Travel

When considering remote work opportunities, it’s essential to assess the specific job requirements, company culture, and communication preferences to ensure compatibility with remote work arrangements.

Here’s a list of the best jobs for working remotely and traveling:

1. Software Developer

Job Description: A software developer writes and maintains code for various applications, ensuring that software performs correctly and efficiently.


  • High demand and lucrative salaries
  • Flexibility to work from anywhere
  • Many remote-friendly companies in the tech industry


  • Time zone differences can affect team collaboration
  • Requires reliable Wi-Fi for coding and virtual meetings

Case Study: “I’ve been traveling across Europe while working as a software developer for a tech startup. The flexibility allows me to experience new cultures and meet new people, all while maintaining my career,” says Jason, a remote software developer.

2. Digital Marketing Specialist

Job Description: A digital marketing specialist creates and manages online marketing campaigns to promote products and services, often using social media, email marketing, and SEO.


  • Can be performed entirely online
  • High demand across various industries
  • Opportunities to work with international clients


  • Staying updated with changing digital marketing trends
  • Balancing multiple client demands

Case Study: “Being a digital marketer has allowed me to work from Bali while helping businesses grow their online presence. It’s the perfect job for anyone who loves both travel and marketing,” shares Sarah, a digital marketing specialist.

3. Writer/Content Creator

Job Description: Writers and content creators produce articles, blog posts, videos, and other content for various platforms, often on a freelance basis.


  • High level of creative freedom
  • Flexibility to work from any location
  • Opportunities to explore different niches


  • Irregular income streams for freelancers
  • Requires self-discipline to meet deadlines

Case Study: “I travel around Asia, documenting my adventures through my travel blog. Writing content about my experiences not only funds my travels but also inspires others,” says Emily, a travel blogger.

4. Graphic Designer

Job Description: Graphic designers create visual content for websites, advertisements, and other media, often collaborating with clients and teams remotely.


  • Creative and fulfilling work
  • Flexibility to work from any location with a good internet connection
  • High demand in various industries


  • Time zone differences can affect communication with clients
  • Requires a reliable and powerful computer setup

Case Study: “Working as a graphic designer, I’ve been able to travel through South America, drawing inspiration from different cultures while working on projects for global clients,” says Michael, a remote graphic designer.

5. Virtual Assistant

Job Description: Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs, handling tasks like scheduling, email management, and customer service.


  • Wide range of tasks keeps the job interesting
  • Opportunities to work with diverse clients
  • High demand for remote administrative support


  • Managing multiple clients can be challenging
  • Requires excellent organizational skills

Case Study: “As a virtual assistant, I’ve been able to work from anywhere in the world, including beautiful beach destinations. The flexibility and variety of tasks keep my job exciting,” says Amanda, a virtual assistant.

6. Financial Analyst

Job Description: Financial analysts assess financial data and trends to help businesses make informed investment decisions.


  • High earning potential
  • Opportunities to work with global financial markets
  • Flexible work environment


  • Time-sensitive tasks can create pressure
  • Requires access to up-to-date financial data and resources

Case Study: “I analyze financial markets while traveling through Europe. The ability to work remotely has allowed me to combine my passion for finance with my love for travel,” says David, a financial analyst.

7. Registered Nurse (Telehealth)

Job Description: Telehealth nurses provide remote medical support and advice to patients via phone or video calls.


  • Opportunity to help patients from anywhere
  • Growing field with increasing demand
  • Flexibility in work hours


  • Requires stable and secure internet connection
  • Emotional challenges of remote patient care

Case Study: “Working as a telehealth nurse has allowed me to travel around the country while still helping patients. It’s rewarding to provide care remotely,” says Laura, a telehealth nurse.

8. Marketing Manager

Job Description: Marketing managers plan and execute marketing strategies, often coordinating campaigns across various channels.


  • High earning potential
  • Opportunities for creative input and strategic planning
  • Flexibility to work remotely


  • Requires strong project management skills
  • May need to travel for client meetings and industry events

Case Study: “As a marketing manager, I’ve been able to work remotely from different countries, attending international conferences and meeting clients in exciting locations,” says Mark, a marketing manager.

9. Travel Blogger/Vlogger

Job Description: Travel bloggers and vloggers document their travel experiences, creating content that inspires others to explore new destinations.


  • Opportunity to travel extensively
  • Potential for income through sponsorships and ads
  • Creative and fulfilling work


  • Requires consistent content creation and audience engagement
  • Income can be unpredictable

Case Study: “I travel the world while documenting my experiences on my travel vlog. It’s a dream job that combines my love for travel and storytelling,” says Jessica, a travel vlogger.

How to Land Your Dream Remote Job 


Connect with remote professionals on LinkedIn, join online communities, and attend virtual events. Building a strong professional network can open doors to unadvertised opportunities and provide valuable insights from those already thriving in remote roles.

Job Boards

Use remote job boards like Remote.co and FlexJobs, and set up alerts on mainstream platforms. These specialized boards curate remote job listings across various industries, making it easier to find positions that match your skills and interests.

Company Websites

Research remote-friendly companies and inquire directly about opportunities. Many companies have dedicated remote work sections on their career pages, and reaching out directly can demonstrate your proactive approach and genuine interest in their remote roles.

Craft a Remote-Friendly Resume

Highlight remote experience, relevant skills, and self-motivation. Emphasize any previous remote work, showcasing your ability to manage time, communicate effectively, and stay productive without in-person supervision.

Prepare for Remote Interviews

Test equipment, practice common platforms, and discuss remote work skills. Familiarize yourself with video conferencing tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams, and be ready to articulate how you manage remote work challenges such as time zones and self-discipline.

Tools and Tips for Efficient Remote Work

Essential Tools

  1. Slack: For team communication and collaboration. Use it to stay connected with colleagues, share updates, and participate in team discussions.
  2. Asana: For project management and task tracking. Organize your tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate with team members to ensure projects stay on track.
  3. Zoom: For virtual meetings and webinars. Host or join video conferences to maintain face-to-face interaction with your team, clients, or partners.
  4. Trello: For organizing tasks and projects visually. Create boards and cards to manage your workload and track project progress visually.
  5. Google Workspace: For document sharing and collaboration. Use Google Docs, Sheets, and Drive to create, share, and collaborate on documents in real-time.
  6. Notion: For note-taking and project management. Centralize your notes, tasks, and projects in one place for better organization and productivity.
  7. Time Doctor: For time tracking and productivity monitoring. Track how much time you spend on tasks to improve efficiency and manage your workday better.

Tips for Remote Work

  1. Set a dedicated workspace: Create a comfortable and quiet area in your home where you can focus on work without distractions.
  2. Maintain a regular schedule: Stick to a consistent work routine to enhance productivity and separate work from personal time.
  3. Take regular breaks: Schedule short breaks throughout your day to rest and recharge, helping you maintain focus and avoid burnout.
  4. Use productivity tools: Leverage tools like those mentioned above to streamline your workflow and keep your tasks organized.
  5. Stay connected with your team: Regularly communicate with your colleagues through messaging apps, video calls, and team meetings to stay engaged and aligned on projects.

Navigating Challenges of Working Remotely While Traveling

Managing time zone differences, ensuring access to reliable Wi-Fi, and creating a productive workspace amidst changing environments are common hurdles.

Seeking expert advice from seasoned digital nomads or remote work consultants can provide invaluable insights and strategies for overcoming these obstacles, offering practical solutions tailored to remote professionals balancing travel and work.

Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Set Clear Boundaries Between Work and Personal Time

When working remotely, it’s crucial to clearly separate work hours from personal time. This helps prevent burnout and ensures you have time to relax and recharge.

One effective strategy is to establish a dedicated workspace that you only use for work activities. When you’re in this space, you’re in “work mode,” and when you leave it, you can switch to “personal mode.”

Use a Schedule to Manage Your Time Effectively

Having a consistent schedule can greatly enhance your productivity and help maintain a healthy work-life balance. Start by setting specific working hours and sticking to them as much as possible.

Use digital tools like Google Calendar or Trello to plan your day, including breaks and personal activities. This structure helps you stay organized and ensures you allocate enough time for both work and relaxation.

Prioritize Self-Care and Mental Health

Taking care of your mental and physical well-being is essential when working remotely. Make self-care activities a part of your daily routine, such as meditation, yoga, or simply taking a walk.

Ensure you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, and staying hydrated. If you start feeling overwhelmed or stressed, don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals.

Stay Active and Take Breaks to Recharge

Regular physical activity is vital for maintaining energy levels and overall health.

Incorporate exercise into your daily routine, whether it’s a morning jog, a gym session, or a home workout. Additionally, taking regular breaks throughout your workday can prevent fatigue and boost productivity.

Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break, to keep your mind fresh and focused.

Legal and Financial Considerations

Research Visa Requirements for Digital Nomads

Before embarking on your digital nomad journey, research the visa requirements of the countries you plan to visit.

Some countries offer special visas for remote workers, while others might require a tourist visa or different documentation. Staying informed about these requirements can help you avoid legal issues and ensure you can stay in each country for the desired length of time.

Understand Tax Implications of Working Remotely

Working remotely, especially while traveling internationally, can complicate your tax situation.

Understanding the tax laws of your home country and the countries you visit is important. You may need to file taxes in multiple jurisdictions, and certain countries have tax treaties to prevent double taxation.

Consulting with a tax professional who specializes in expatriate or digital nomad tax issues can provide clarity and help you stay compliant.

Set Up Reliable Banking Solutions for International Transactions

Managing your finances while traveling requires reliable banking solutions.

Choose an online banking bank with a good reputation for international services. Look for accounts with low or no foreign transaction fees and consider using international money transfer services like TransferWise or PayPal for easy access to your funds.

Keeping track of exchange rates and understanding any fees associated with international transactions can also help you manage your money more effectively.

Where to Find Remote Jobs

  • Remote.co: A comprehensive job board for remote work
  • FlexJobs: Offers a wide range of remote job listings
  • We Work Remotely: Specializes in remote job opportunities
  • LinkedIn: Set up job alerts for remote positions
  • Upwork: Freelance job platform with remote gigs

The growth of remote work and digital nomad lifestyles has changed how we work, giving us more freedom and flexibility than ever before. For those taking on freelance travel jobs or work-from-anywhere roles, it’s important to handle the challenges of remote work.

Using productivity tools, keeping up with the latest trends in remote work, and learning from experienced professionals can help us manage these challenges and find a good balance between work and travel.

As remote work continues to grow, adopting these strategies will be key to succeeding in this new way of working.

Ready to find your ideal remote job and travel the world?

Start by exploring our Compass properties across the U.S., offering the perfect blend of comfort and convenience for remote workers.

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