
Rates are valid for reservations made within 5 days of the apartment’s Avail Date. Rates are based on a 30-day stay and may vary depending on your required length of stay. Terms and conditions apply.

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4/1/2025 Avalon Bear Hill 1527 Bear Hill https://maps.google.com/maps?q=1449+Main+Street,+Waltham,+MA&hl=en&sll=42.351266,-71.07929&sspn=0.010736,0.023882&oq=1449+Main+Stre&gl=us&hnear=1449+Main+St,+Waltham,+Middlesex,+Massachusetts+02451&t=m&z=16&iwloc=A 1/1 955 $177 https://compassfurnishedapartments.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/80000000LWEF/a/5c000000wuto/0YeQ4hq77bMAoOKiCtyVdkoGnhSkYXCJPskcTojWyJo

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